Our tutors change lives.

Beyond Bored

was born from the unfortunate reality that learning for many children is boring.  Bored teachers teach a boring curriculum to bored kids. 

All too often the student herself is lost in the process of being taught. Our work began with the research-backed belief that the most effective learning takes place when children are engaged. 

Beyond Bored is the result of two decades worth of research, practice, and experience from parenting, teaching, and mentoring children. The not-so secret: engagement comes from connection! 

That’s it!  Our fast-paced, overpopulated systems do not give teachers the time to make real connections, to have fun, with their students! What happened to wonder and curiosity? 

Education the world over has undergone a major makeover. The foundation has shifted to accommodate a digital world of learning. When done right, our children have an even greater opportunity to connect with the world. But often they are left even more bored than they were before! Algorithmic learning is not the answer. Individuals need individualized learning from someone who SEES them and adapts to their needs. Avoid the algorithm! The value of working with a real person is more important than ever. Connection builds trust. Trust allows students to face what’s hard. Facing challenges builds confidence. Confidence brings out your personal best. 

We don’t train for tests, we train for life. 

Our Team

Meet our teacher-leaders and fellow adventurers.


Is Beyond Bored Right For Me?

Beyond Bored provides connection based tutoring for children who struggle with school in all sorts of ways whether its academic or emotional. Beyond Bored tutors are specially trained to make connections with students through remote learning. The age range that works best for remote learning is 6th grade and up. Limited in-person sessions are available for students in the Los Angeles area. You can always book a free 15-minute consultation to discuss if your child needs a Beyond Bored tutor.

What is Connection Tutoring?

Think of it this way: a child that doesn’t know how to ride a bike needs to learn how to ride. A child who is afraid of riding a bike needs to learn how to overcome their fear. The former is procedural while that latter is emotional. Many of our students difficulties with school stem from an emotional issue with learning - fighting with their parents over homework, boredom from lack of stimulation, a negative experience with a teacher or in school. Connection Tutoring is designed to focus, first and foremost, on fostering a positive relationship. Beyond Bored tutors are trained to be coaches and mentors to help students find their self-confidence as learners and people.

What's the difference between connection tutoring and typical tutoring?

Typical tutoring provides a content-based solution to an academic problem. Connection tutoring provides an emotion based solution for a student who has a connection problem with learning and/or school. Here is an example: a generally good student who is having trouble understanding chemistry may need a good traditional chemistry tutor. While a student who is in tears over their chemistry homework needs a connection tutor who can give them tools to manage the emotional challenges of school as well as help them understand chemistry.

Which package is right for me?

There is no difference in the quality of service regardless of which package you choose. Connection Tutoring is a process that is most effective over a period of time. Therefore, we incentivize you to commit to multiple sessions which allows your child and your tutor to make a strong connection from which to build confidence and academic engagement. Individual sessions gives you them most flexibility if you are not sure about committing to the process or if there are other factors which prevent you from purchasing multiple session package.